Adult ADHD Assessment in NYC
Comprehensive diagnostic services and ADHD testing in the flatiron District
While attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is usually diagnosed in children or adolescents, there are more adults seeking this diagnosis. While the symptoms of this executive function disorder are similar in children and adults, there are some key differences that can make an adult diagnosis more difficult.
I’m Dr. Daniel Clark, a licensed psychologist, and I offer attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder testing for adults who seek to better understand their strengths and weaknesses and achieve specific personal or professional goals.
What Is ADHD?
You can likely discern the basic definition of ADHD right in its name. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that leads to an attention deficit and/or hyperactivity.
The effects of ADHD may make it more difficult to pay attention, complete projects, prioritize tasks, remember details, or control impulses. These behaviors and cognitive processes are often referred to as executive functions. When properly managed, executive function allows us to convert information from short-term to long-term memory, make it to appointments on time, focus during budget meetings, and perform myriad necessary daily adult tasks.
Common ADHD Symptoms in Adults
While it is often diagnosed in childhood, adults may also receive an ADHD diagnosis. In most cases, they seek diagnosis independently when they notice some of the common symptoms of ADHD in adults, including:
Difficulty making appointments on time.
Struggles with concentration or paying attention.
Inability to appropriately prioritize tasks.
Starting projects that don’t get completed.
Failure to control impulses.
Experiencing intense emotions and/or struggling to manage emotions as they arise.
The ADHD Assessment Process for Adults
An ADHD assessment begins with an intake session. During this initial visit, we’ll discuss why you scheduled your assessment, family and personal health history, current or past diagnoses, and other relevant supporting details. I may ask you and a loved one to complete rating skills to help me better understand your symptom severity and experience with common side effects of ADHD.
From there, I will develop a personalized testing battery that is used to determine your individual level of attentiveness, learning ability, intelligence, concentration, and other variables. Once completed, I write a thorough assessment report. This report will be provided to you and reviewed during a final session.
What Happens After the Assessment?
Treatment for ADHD often involves some combination of medication and therapy. This can be daunting for people to consider, whether because they’re wary of taking medication or because there is so much misinformation about treatments for ADHD out there. Therapy in particular is a great way to address ADHD in adults, as a licensed mental health practitioner can help you build skills you need to improve your focus, organize your life, and get more done. The best part about therapy? Common side effects include: improved self-confidence, stronger relationships, and less shame.Therapy, though less scary than medication, can still be a tough task to start. Where do you find a therapist? What type of therapist do you need?
At Park West Psychology, one of our aims is to provide practical next steps for folks who come for an evaluation - even those who don’t have ADHD. We help you to know if therapy is right for you, what kinds of treatment approaches would give you a jump-start on results, and how to maintain that change over time. We are proudly up-to-date on best practices in ADHD treatment, which means we’re also up-to-date on treatments and products that are not going to help you in the long run, or that may be bad for your health. Reach out today for a free consultation regarding support for suspected (or confirmed) ADHD.
Let’s Get Started
When you’re ready to get started with ADHD assessment at Park West Psychology, I hope you’ll reach out to schedule a consultation with me. I offer in-person sessions in New York City, and you can learn more before we get started with a consultation over the phone or via telehealth. I do my utmost to make the process simple and stress free, and that starts with scheduling your session. You may reach out to me over the phone at (562) 314-1999, via email, or using my online inquiry form.